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Doctoral research contract

In 2022, 14 doctoral fundings in Strasbourg University were awarded by EDSC to pursue PhD research within a research team which had submitted a research project. Grant allocation is carried out in a competition announced by the university. 

  • Topics offered to candidates for doctoral position at the University of Strasbourg. These topics will be posted on the site around March 15, 2023.
  • At the ED Council meeting on 28 October 2021, it was voted unanimously that
    • that an HDR who has had 1 doctoral contract in year n-1 will benefit from 1 year's leave of absence
    • that 2 co-director HDRs who had 1 doctoral contract in year n-1 will benefit from 1 year's leave of absence for both of them
  • Topics offered to candidates for doctoral position at the University of Haute-Alsace.
  • Calendar French (or English calendar) of the award of doctoral contracts operations of the University of Strasbourg.

Since this year, the thesis subjects are also on the Thesis Project application (click search by criteria in the current campaigns). To see the topics, simply click on the link below

Doctoral research contract related to the Haute-Alsace University are available on the UHA website

As of today, the ESDC competition continues.

Applicaton deadline :

Wednesday 24 April, 2024 at noon at the latest

This year, the file must imperatively be sent by email to the secretariat bosse@unistra.fr


Any question regarding your application should be addressed to :

Mme N. Kostmann – Courriel : bosse@unistra.fr

M. G. Ulrich - Courriel : edsc@unistra.fr

Applicataion file :

  • An application form in French (or an application form in English)
  • A curriculum vitae
  • A copy of the Bachelor degree (or equivalent) or a related notification of graduation
  • All the transcript of semesters 1, 2 and 3 of the master 2 degree (if not possible, the M1 and first M2 semester transcripts). The fourth M2 semester has to be addressed as soon as possible afterward. All final transcripts must show, the official seals or stamp of the institution, the classes taken, grades obtained, the average of all grades, the rank of the candidate and the total number of admitted candidates..
  • Candidate’s Commitment
  • Agreement of the Ph.D. Director

Only complete applications will be acknowledged.

IMPORTANT : All applicants are invited to consult the following webpage : PhD > Subscription > 1st year (EDSC - Academic subscription) of this website to acquaint themselves with the additional conditions they might have to fulfill. Foreigner applicants for instance, have to ask for a French %2 certificate when they apply for a PhD.


Priority topics of the University of Haute Alsace 2023

Thesis Director
Co-directors or co-supervisors Topic Title Laboratory
Sébastien ALBRECHT   Tackling antibiotic resistance by targeting the dap-pathway for the development of novel anti-bacterial agents. Plus  LIMA
Julie CHONG   Compréhension du rôle de la symbiose mycorhizienne dans la tolérance de la vigne aux stress. Plus  LVBE
Marc FISCHER    Etude de l'implantation de bactéries racinaires chez la vigne, intéractions vigne-microorganismes phytoprotecteurs. Plus  LVBE
Jean-François STUMBE   Synthèse et caractérisation de polymères hyperramifiés pour l'élaboration de matériaux polymères autoréparants. Plus  LPIM

Application platform using Limesyrvey :https://e-enquete.uha.fr/index.php/745385?lang=fr