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Appointment of rapporteurs and jury

The doctoral student verifies that he fulfills all the conditions to support and that the ED secretariat has all the information on this subject.

The thesis director proposes to the university president via the doctoral training department two HDR rapporteurs and a jury. Rapporteurs must be external to the university and the doctoral school; they must not be involved in the candidate's work. The proposal is made using the standard form word. This form must be completed imperatively in digital version.

The PhD student attaches the thesis summary (4 pages excluding figures (7 pages maximum)) obligatorily in French followed by a list of articles and papers at congress (with title and name of the authors) in electronic version according to the abstract template (strictly follow the instructions given in the template). The PhD student must in person at least have made a communication - oral or poster - to a congress or a symposium, national or international. A reporter must have his HDR in France. In the case of a foreigner, you must refer to the attached table and take the PR column (please send us his updated CV).

These documents must be sent to seafile https://seafile.unistra.fr/u/d/07096f2d7433470882d2/ for validation by the committee.

Moreover, a novelty for 2020 for doctoral students who want to write or/and defend in English, the document "request for authorization to write the thesis manuscript and/or defense in English (Word or PDF)" must be attached obligatorily with the jury proposal and the abstract.

These documents are sent early enough so that the appointment of the jury by the president of the university can take place at least two months before the date envisaged for the defense.

The thesis summary is distributed to all members of the ED who are authorized to conduct research.

The Thesis Committee of the ED examines the rapporteur and jury proposal at one of its five annual meetings and gives an opinion. If necessary, details or modifications are requested.

Important: Only proposals for doctoral students who have met the conditions for support set by the ED will be dealt with by the commission.

The president of the university appoints the jury.

Composition of the jury

The composition of the jury has 4 to 8 members, according to the following distribution :

  • at least half of the jury must be composed of professors or similar
  • half of the jury must be composed of personalities from outside the research unit, the doctoral college of site, namely outside the Doctoral School of the candidate and all the institutions (University of Strasbourg and University of Haute-Alsace )
  • at least one woman must be on the examination panel
  • potential invited members (in very limited numbers) are not officially part of the jury.la moitié du jury au moins doit être composée de professeurs ou assimilés

The thesis director must sit on the jury, but cannot chair it.

The president of the jury is appointed by the jury members among them; he must be a teacher or assimilated.

A rapporteur may be chairman of a jury unless he is emeritus.

An emeritus may be rapporteur if his emeritus is still valid. He can not preside over a thesis jury.


Scientists invited to the defense: limitation to ONE invitation max. by defense (decision of the council of the College of ED of November 16, 2011). The visiting scientist is not a member of the jury. Consequently, he does not take part in the jury's deliberations or sign the minutes of the defense. If one wishes to make his name appear on the cover of the thesis, it must be in a section clearly separated from that of the members of the jury: to make a section "Jury" and a heading "Guest".

Proposal for reimbursement : defense jury

The Scientific Council of February 8, 2012 has completed the proposals of the Scienfic Council of February 4, 2009 concerning the assumption of expenses related to the organization of thesis defense juries and HDR.

Amount of lump sum refunds  : (CS of 4/02/2009)

Dsciplinary sections 3 and 4 :       450 € per jury

(Science and Technology, Health)

Cotutelles all sectors :               900€ per jury

International co-management : 900 € per jury (CS of 8/02/2012) (subject to declaration before the 2nd doctoral regristration)

Procedure for the reimbursement of jury costs :

  • Lump sum reimbursements are granted only for candidates (doctoral students and HDR) belonging to research units attached to the University of Strasbourg.
  • Financial support for the costs of organizing a jury is made on the budget lines of the applicant's research unit.
  • The lump sum repayments mainly concern transport and accommodation expenses related to the organization of the defenses.
  • The expenses of mouth (invoices of restaurant) will not be able to exceed 1/3 of the fixed price.
  • Reimbursement is made on written request (using a form and a budget notification form) to the Research Directorate - Research Finance Department dir-execution-fin@unistra.fr (if applicable, accompanied by proof of expenditure).
  • The refund will not exceed the packages listed above.
  • Requests for reimbursement should be made, as far as possible, during the budget year corresponding to the defense date.
  • Applications sent to the Research Directorate beyond November 15th will be reimbursed for the following fiscal year.

These provisions take effect as from 1 March 2012 and concern juries organized from that date.

Soutenance par visioconférence

2 mois avant la soutenance et au moment du dépôt du jury :

Lors du dépôt de la désignation du jury, le/la directeur.rice de thèse présente le formulaire de demande d'autorisation de la mise en place d’une soutenance de thèse avec des membres du jury présents par visioconférence au Collège doctoral. Cette demande doit obligatoirement parvenir avant la date de soutenance prévue.

Une semaine avant la soutenance :

Le/la directeur.rice de thèse adresse les informations techniques utiles à la visioconférence à tous les membres du jury concernés. Les membres en visioconférence envoient au Collège doctoral et au directeur.rice de thèse une délégation de signature en faveur du président du jury pour la signature du Procès Verbal. Ces délégations doivent être remises au Président du jury par le directeur de thèse au début de la soutenance.

Deux jours avant la soutenance

Le/la doctorant(e) envoie à tout membre du jury utilisant la visioconférence :

- un texte finalisé de la présentation ou son PPT ;

- l’éventuelle liste des errata du manuscrit déposé.

Il est nécessaire que les diapositives de la présentation PPT soient numérotées, car en cas de défaillance du système de visioconférence en cours de soutenance, tout membre du jury à distance doit pouvoir suivre la présentation sur son ordinateur tout en écoutant la soutenance orale par téléphone.

Le jour de la soutenance :

La pré-réunion du jury, la soutenance et les délibérations du jury ont lieu dans la salle prévue pour la visioconférence. Le public et le/la doctorant(e) ne sont admis dans la salle que pendant la soutenance elle-même.

Les règles générales de fonctionnement des soutenances de thèse sont dans leurs totalités applicables aux soutenances avec visioconférence.